Thursday, August 23, 2012

LinkedIn Ads, and why I don't think they work

I've been a long time user and believer in LinkedIn.  As a professional networking tool it is second to none and gives me the opportunity to create and maintain relationships with a wide range of people.

Screenshot from LinkedIn Email
A recent email campaign (screenshot included) from LinkedIn promoting their advertising program along with some know-how I have from developing a campaign for a client however make me think that they are missing the mark trying to generate revenue from advertising.

As a business, LinkedIn is structured in 3 divisions
  1. Hiring
  2. Personal/Premium Subscriptions
  3. Marketing
Their positioning against other social networks is quite unique as well
  • Facebook is the backyard BBQ
  • Twitter is the soapbox
  • LinkedIn is the business lunch
As over 70% of their users would be considered passive candidates, or not actively looking for work, LinkedIn is also not a job board.  It is however a great way to connect to opportunities or for recruiters to find you based on skills or experience.  I think in recruiting it is second to none and where their strongest value proposition is.

While the ability to customize ads to users based on profiles and locations there is no way to identify what my personal preferences or needs are that can be useful for advertisers.  This is demonstrated in the high cost per click for LinkedIn ads which typically come in around $3 - $5.

The core purposes of the platform do not allow it to advertise to it's users - or at least effectively.  Users don't expect to be marketed to, unless it's for work - which is why the platform works so well.  This offer sent to me by LinkedIn also makes no sense.  It knows what type of business I'm in, and it know what work I do.  It should also know that I'm not going to use it.

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