Consumer behavior has changed, and email needs to adapt to it. Email today is being viewed under the consumer lens of 140 character micro-blogging and 5 second video clips that are highly entertaining and engaging. The volume of digital messages is constantly increasing, and to the consumer email is just another channel. Conversion rates are down 0.25% over the past two years on email, but through its ability to deliver customized messages, email can be extremely effective when used properly.
With the rise of mobile it is critical to ensure that marketing programs can be properly experienced through mobile devices. The use of Mobile devices is exploding across Canada with 67% penetration in 2012. Mobile is also the preferred device for looking up information on the go, and the primary device for checking email. As a device to access the Internet, mobile usage grew 28% in Canada in 2011 and is trending to include half of the population by 2016.
Conversely, the cost effectiveness of email has allowed marketers to become lazy, and email performance has suffered. Some of the basic practices for email have been forgotten.
To make email relevant again marketers need to look at email as a critical digital engagement channel. How? Make sure that the basics are covered and then apply these 4 new principles.
1. Increase relevancy in subject lines
The subject line is the first barrier to getting your email opened. Use all the information you have available on the recipient to communicate the value and importance of the product / service or information that you are offering.
2. You have the data, improve customization
Based on what you know about your individual target and what they have done with you in the past, what can you do to make email content as engaging as possible through customization?
3. Design for mobile
50% of consumers use their mobile device to first scan the email then open later. Does your target skew even more towards mobile? If you are linking out from your email in your call to action is the destination viewable on a mobile device? A typical subject line is 55 characters, however most smart phones show only 35 characters. Make sure that you are getting your point across quickly and effectively.
4. Deliver based on the best time for your customer
Inboxes are getting crowded with messages and setting customer expectations with a consistent schedule is more important than ever. To do so think about when you would like you customer to act, or when they are able to.
Marketers can also create their own best practices to retain within their organization. Documenting specific campaign performance and creating corporate memory will allow them to understand how to best apply these practices to their specific program target. Looking for commonalities within their customer segments and industry trends will deepen this knowledge.